
I hear you re your dry and dusty garden India...'tis where we thought we'd be too 'til that storm...and then another...and the whole season flipped. We're counting our lucky stars...this time around. I've found you a night scented Jessamine...try Mudbrick Herb Cottage! They're in SE Qld and are a good source for mail order (although I know SA is strict with what's allowed to come in). But...how I would love for you to have her as a memento of New Orleans...what a heady combination that must have been!

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Oh my goodness this quince recipe looks divine. Am going to definitely bookmark that one xo

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I got as far as your mention of night scented jessamine (an old and beloved friend from my too-brief residency in New Orleans some dozen years ago that I haven’t been able to find in South Australia yet) and had to pour myself a nice glass of wine to really properly settle in and wander around the garden with you. Mine is dry and dusty and as usual I’m rationing water, so it’s particularly lovely to be permitted to share in yours. Thank you.

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It is after lunch and I settled down with my feet up to totally absorb all of what you wrote. Again a very informative and enjoyable read, and I didn’t have a problem on my email with the length. I think it is the Gmail accounts that may have an issue.??

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I’m smiling and thinking no wonder you get the message about your posts being too long, I don’t think so, but you have given your followers a great idea regarding downloading the app. I often get that message, and like you, ignore it, and I haven’t had anyone complain that they can’t read my entire post. I’ll re read this afternoon when I am free of chores so I can digest this weeks post 😁

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