
Oh Leanne thank you...for participating in this new space...it's lovely to hear from you and that you're still getting something from my musings...the learning in the garden is ongoing...and across the platforms to date, I've always felt there's a gap in the information (well...except for those online Sunday morning presentations that were huge!!! What a lovely audience of listeners participated!!!). I'll aim to fill in the gaps here on substack...with a whole lot more to keep us all engaged in the conversation. And Pip is indeed doing wonderful things at Moorfield...one of these days I'll get to visit her...and she may even get here to visit me! I hope you will too. Mx

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Sharon you are so very kind...thank you! I've no doubt there will be another day to ramble, collect bounty in the field and to capture the essence of such a day in another bottle. I can't wait to write about that in coming posts...when the time is right. Mx

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Delightful…I could read your writing all day…..thank you for sharing your delightful rambles in your glorious garden… I can picture myself back there collecting roses, lavender and all matter of scented plants for our hydrosol of the fields! Much Love xxx

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Thank you Mickey, I am thoroughly enjoying reading your posts. I excitedly subscribed to your new venture into Substack. It provides an informative and entertaining way to gather insights and knowledge into gardening. I have had your beautiful book for a long time, and enjoyed an online course with you a while back. This is a great way to continue learning and enjoying your infectious and wonderful knowledge of gardening. I also follow the lovely Pip at Moorfield. I am so in awe and appreciative of being able to learn from and enjoy sharing some time with you both through this medium. It is a wonderful gift. Leanne from Batehaven, Far South Coast NSW.

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Just loved this Mickey! I suspect we will get our first apple harvests at Moorfield next year so I am bookmarking that recipe xo

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What a lovely read, Mickey…lifted my spirits after having to chase a bunch of errant rams out of my now-flattened green patch…

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Getting the hang of it! Oh but my to the rams...!!! Put a different spin on your situation...I attended a fabulous talk in Canberra on Thursday where Charlie Harpur, Head Gardener at Knepp, shared a clip of wild ponies running rampant through the walled garden!!! So viewed through a land regen lens...a little hoof and munching session might even have been helpful to your patch!!! Ever the optimist...now where is that laughing emoji on this platform???!!! X

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Bless you for being such an optimist, Mickey…the first thing they headed for (and stripped of leaves) was a patch of THAT ROSE. Maybe it’s a sign that I should do some experimental pruning to induce more flowers after all.

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Oh no, no, no, no!!!! But...yep...and in fact they are right on TIME!!!! More laughing emojis! And clappy, clappy hands!!! X

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