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And some may say Winter is a quiet time in the garden, not! Unfortunately my hours of being in the garden have well passed but thankfully my husband is still fit enough to do most of the work. The border of Liriopes were cut back this week, the roses and the weeping cherries were done a couple of weeks ago. I’m thinking we need to make a change and remove the Liriopes and find something about the same size that doesn’t need pruning as this year he found it a lot harder to do. Maybe it will an extra job for our tree trimmer next year? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for sharing your recipe this week and for another enjoyable read. And by the way, I meant to mention last week about your brilliant and colourful Aloe plant. There are a couple of houses nearby to us who have them in their gardens, I wonder if they realise how big they can get?

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